Portraitfoto mit zwei Pferden von Vater, Tochter und ihrer Frau

Naturally genuine.
With rough edges.

Host & Team • Hotel Alpenblick Zillertal


Zwei Frauen gehen mit ihren zwei Pferden auf einem Feldweg

to have you here.

Yes, that's right - it's you. We can hardly wait to finally get to know you. It's always nice to ‘discover’ interesting characters and personalities - with rough edges. We hope you don't have too many of them. Oh yes: if your ego doesn't fit through the door, it's better to keep it outside.

Genuinely authentic

We are not perfect. And that's a good thing.

We don't pretend. We are who we are. Don't have to pretend anything. We also make mistakes - but rarely twice. We love to try things out and experiment. That's how we've created a lot of good things over the years. Together as a team - with valuable people.

Portraitfoto von zwei Frauen als Pärchen

By nature ... REAL

  • Frau hält eine ausgerissene Schlüsselblume samt Wurzeln

  • Zwei Menschen schauen mit ihrem Hund auf den Berggipfel gegenüber

  • Gänseblümchen in Holzschüssel

  • Frau schneidet Kräuter auf einem Holzbrett

  • Frau steht neben ihrem Dunklem Pferd und streichelt es

    Nadine Eder-Knispel

    That's just me.
    I love the real and authentic. I speak the way my beak grows. Honesty is important to me. I don't like ‘fancy and chic’ at all. But I do like horses - that's always been the case. I'm down-to-earth by nature and like to sit in the rustling wind. Sitting on a bench with bread in the forest makes me feel like I'm in a 5-star hotel. And the smell of damp moss is much better than Chanel No. 5.

    Not perfect, of course!
    Sometimes you see me scurrying around the hotel in a horse outfit - it looks really strange. My best ideas often come at night. I'm not the typical host, but I understand people and the real holiday feeling.

    Owner • Hotel Alpenblick

  • Portraitfoto von Vater und Tochter auf einer Wiese

    Erich Eder

    That's just the way I am.
    I'm very frugal and ‘low-maintenance’ - in every respect. A person with heart and feeling. I love the feeling of freedom - especially when I'm in the mountains. Sometimes I go on a virtual mountain tour in my head - when I can't sleep at night. I always find a solution to problems. Because I'm a person who never gives up.

    Not perfect, of course!
    If I have nothing to do, I often become dissatisfied. Sometimes I overdo my experimentation - then the liquor menu expands to include another product. And then there's my collecting instinct and my fear of parting with products - even when I no longer need them.

    Father of Nadine Eder-Knispel

Really durable

Not trendy, but consistent.

The Hotel Alpenblick in the Zillertal has grown naturally, with something behind it - over generations. There is a thought and an idea behind everything. With the signature of the Eder family. Nothing is arbitrary. Every piece of furniture tells its own story.

Glasvasen mit Kerzen und Vase mit frischen Blumen

Branches don't grow straight either.

Really personal

There's a lot of human behaviour here.

You may be familiar with this - someone approaches you and makes you feel good. Genuinely and honestly. It's good that we don't have to pretend here. And we don't want to. Because we are who we are. And of course we also have our flaws and quirks.
If it gets too close and personal, we say so - because sometimes we also need peace and quiet and a little privacy.

Lachende Menschen beim Abendessen im Toskana Garten

We like you just the way you are. With your rough edges.

Of course me

Be who you are!

You don't have to represent anything with us. We don't do that either. We like you just the way you are. Just relax and let yourself go a little. You'll see. It's good for you - and for others too, of course.

Zwei Frauen stehen mit ihren beiden Pferden auf einer Wiese